Lamentations are lessons (or verses) taken from the Old Testament book The Lamentations of Jeremiah. The text was written by eyewitnesses to the destruction of Jerusalem and the fall of Judah in 586 B.C. Recorded in Ringsaker Church, producer Jørn Pedersen.
Chandos, 2009

- Incipit oratio Jeremiae, lamentation for 6 voices
- Ego vir videns, lamentation for 5 voices
- Misericordiae Domini, lamentation for 4 voices
- Manum suam, lamentation for 5 voices
- Tristis est anima mea, responsory for 6 voices, W. 7/13
- Lamentations of Jeremiah for 6 voices
- Lectio III, Feria V in Cœna Domini. Iod – Manum suam misit hostis
- Lectio III, Sabbato Sancto. Incipit oratio Jeremiæ Prophetæ
- Tenebrae factae sunt, responsory for Good Friday for 6 voices, W. 7/51